Baltic Amber: History and Philosophy

Nature provides human being with everything, one of them is called amber. This is not a stone. This is the fossilized resin of pine trees which beauty and benefit has been widely acknowledged among people not only in its origin (Europe) but also other people around the world. Behind this natural beauty, there are hidden facts you probably don’t know: history and philosophy.

The Treasure of Pine Trees      

Amber is the fossilized resin of pine trees which has beneficial substance namely succinic acid. Amber is a gem of vegetative origin and has high value for its rarity and quality. The use of amberas the material of jewelry (especially amber pendant) was started approximately in 12,000 BC and was widely considered as fortune bringer.

Ancient Romans used this fossilized resin as coinage and it becomes one of many evidences that amber has been commercially traded products. As the time goes by, archaeologists are becoming more interested to do some research especially on Baltic amber. It is more than just finding the way to test the genuineness, but also finding the fact that the amber taken from Baltic Sea has the highest percentage of succinic acid.

Beauty and Philosophy

If you have ever read “The Odyssey” by Homer, you must have read that amber jewelry was mentioned as the princely gift, another evidence of its value and popularity at that era. While on Europe it means fortune bringer, amber is considered to be the symbol of courage in the Far East and the ‘soul of the tiger’ for Asian. Surprisingly, the Egyptians even used to place a piece of amber in their loved one’s casket as they believe that it will ensure the body would forever remain whole.

The beauty of amber now does not only come in the form of accessory or fashion pieces, but also teething relief for babies such as amber teething bracelet and amber teething necklace.  It happens with an obvious reason: the beauty comes with magnificent benefits for the baby in the form of substance with calming effect to deal with fussy baby during teething period. Both are soon becoming the most favorite and the best amber teething products for your little ones.

The next challenge for parents is surely about finding genuine amber necklace and bracelet for the baby, since there are always possibilities to get the fake one particularly for those who never buy amber products before. The real Baltic amber teething products will always come with certificate which is used to validate the genuineness of amber through infrared test.

For you who are still curious about the hidden philosophy behind amber’s natural beauty, it’s time to reveal it. This fossilized resin comes in various colors and mostly are yellow. In the world of philosophy, yellow is a color of optimism. It symbolizes positive energy, positive change and many other good things which can affect someone not only physically (health) but also mentally or spiritually.

Everyone who wear it, either mom or baby, could feel the energy and benefits based on the age. For moms, the lucky aura of amber will be helpful to heighten creativity. It brings courage to follow your dream and the ability to accept changes in life. Later, it will impart positive attitude and self-confidence, the two major factors of success.

If succinic acid on amber works through absorption of baby’s skin, the metaphysic benefit of this resin comes in the form of negative energy removal, thus will be able to purify heart and spirit. Same as its calming effect for fussy baby during teething stage, amber is good for moms to calm the nerves.

Sure, a balanced life can be achieved when someone has healthy body and soul. On health aspect, amber is an excellent option for detoxification and will provide you with great protection from radiation. If you have ever dreamed about a gem with strong healing energy which allows the body to heal itself, then amber is all you need.

Wearing genuine Baltic amber jewelry would be a great choice to protect yourself from any disease, providing with the best pain relief during childbirth, relieve headache, reduce fever and digestive problems, as well as kidneys and joint problems.

Now you already got the clues about Baltic amber and ready to feel the great balanced life. Healthy body, healthy soul.