Dealing with Disrespectful Children (Part 2)

On part 1, you have already read the basic things you need to know about how to deal with disrespectful children. Now we will continue with the next points you need to consider very well.

In some situation, you probably find that arguing is an inevitable thing. When you try to give advice or say something your child does not want to hear, he or she will commonly react by saying “It’s not fair” or even argue that what they did is acceptable for other parents. Better do not give any depressing comment. Instead, tell them that you are not their friend’s parent and you have your own opinion. Do not let too long argumentation. End it quickly.

Instead of arguing with their parents, some kids prefer to express their disagreement or anger by biting, kicking and even punching. If this happened to you, do you want to hit them back? Never do it. Dealing with smaller kids require you to use different strategy. Sit them somewhere and try to say firmly not to hit you again.  For bigger kids, you may get help, but don’t fight back.

The disrespectful behavior is shown not only at home, but can be possibly at school and other places as well. This is the important fact you need to know, thus make sure to check whether your child is also disrespectful toward his or her teacher. You have the right and responsibility to do this. Once you know it happened, talk to your kids. Bring this problem up at one time is necessary.

If you feel like giving up sometimes, don’t blame yourself. It’s normal. What you need to do is to always remember that you try to solve this problem because you want to help your beloved child. You want to give them the best, so you have to deal with it.