Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 4)

Understanding various types of parenting style together with the impacts on children is an essential thing for all parents. They need to consider the positive and negative side before finally decide which one to be applied and evaluated. Now, let’s talk about the last style called uninvolved parenting.

The name of this parenting style is enough to give us the clue about the definition. Uninvolved parenting is probably one of the most controversial styles for many parents out there. Uninvolved parents tend to be neglectful, thus it offers the least of children’s basic needs fulfillment. Parents who apply this parenting style generally expect the children to raise themselves.

There are various reasons why such parenting style is applied, and those reasons can be associated with their mental health issues. This condition is very closely related to how the parents were raised, culture and environment where they grew up. Many other problems in daily life could also encourage them to choose uninvolved parenting style.

This kind of parenting probably looks great because parents give “freedom” for their children. But if parents would have already known about the impacts of such parenting for their little ones, they will need to think twice about their opinion.

Uninvolved parents could be the source of many problems at home, especially children-related problems such as low self-esteem and poor academic achievement/performance. Those are caused by nothing but the lack of guidance and parental attention.

So from the four parenting styles we have already explained above and our previous articles, which one do you like best? The fact is that parents are not always recommended to choose only one style. In some situations, they are required to be more authoritarian (for example), while in other situations they are recommended to be more permissive.

It’s not only about a matter of preference, but also the awareness that discipline strategies could vary from child to child. By knowing very well about your children’s characters as well as culture and environment where you raise them, it will not be very difficult to decide the best parenting style for your little ones.