Tips to Choose Good Books for 6-12 Months Old Baby

Books are among several options of educational media which mother can choose for their children. The main point is not only about the suitable content based on age, but also the material and size. Here are few tips to choose the right book:

The first is board books with a lot of photos of babies. The material should be sturdy. Bright colors are surely more eye-catching. This fact also becomes the clue when choosing books for your baby. Bright-colored books would make them enthusiastic and want to know what are hidden inside.

What about pictures? On the early age (not more than one year old), it is better to introduce the picture of all the things the babies see in everyday life. These could be the things they usually touch and use, for examples bottles, pillows and balls. It also could be the pictures of animals they usually interact with, such as dogs, cats, etc.

It is better too if you choose small books sized if your baby has small hands. It is important for the convenience while opening the books and exploring the content. Absolutely, you don’t want to ruin this interesting learning activity by choosing the wrong book size, right?