All about Vitamin A for Baby

Vitamin A is one of the most important substances needed by growing children. Foods are sometimes not enough to fulfill the needs, thus supplements are also given to 6mo – 5yo kids.

Vitamin A is essential particularly for strengthening immune system, vision and also great to maintain healthy skin.

Some of the most popular foods which contain vitamin A are such as dairy products and dark green vegetables. The dark green vegetables are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A. You can try to cook this kind of vegetable to be various forms. Play with your creativity, especially if your baby is a picky eater.

You love to cook carrot or sweet potato for your little one? That’s also a good idea, because both foods are the important source of vitamin A, so that with tomatoes. A medium tomato supplies 20% of vitamin A needs for the day. Besides, tomato is the good source of vitamin C as well as lycopene.

What else? Don’t forget the most popular tropical fruit like papaya. It has plenty vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes. Same with the other foods, there are many different ways to serve papaya and the easiest is (of course) puree.

Surely, the needs of vitamin is not only limited to vitamin A. Try to combine the above mentioned foods with others to fulfill all essential nutrients for their growth. Serve various fruits, vegetables and other healthy ingredients instead of only one.

Give the best foods for your baby, because good nutrition is the important requirement for them to grow to be the great next generation.