Handling the Stress of a New Baby

The first year of having a baby could be the most stressful time in mom’s life. It’s more than just a matter of changing diapers, waking up at nights, etc. It’s also about the difficulty to find time for yourself.

That condition is mainly caused by the psychological drive which people commonly call as primary maternal occupation where mom’s relationship with the baby becomes the main focus more than anything else.  But do you know that you can deal with such condition through doing few different things below?

Let’s start with parental plan. It is all about answering the questions such as who will get up in the middle of the night, how to deal with crying baby, how many times should you and family visiting in laws, and other things which require you and your husband to be on the same page. Everything’s gonna be all right when everything is carefully planned.

So, consistency is all you need to have with parental plan. On the other hand, you need to be flexible when dealing with various baby-related problems and issues. You may read hundreds of advice and theories, but the reality you face could be slightly or extremely different.

Day by day, babies are growing and everything happened to them are the things which will teach you about structure and challenge you to find the solution in unexpected situation. At the end, you will get the most priceless thing from motherhood experience: creative problem solving skill.

If you want to know the patterns of your baby, grab the pen and write down your baby’s habits, from sleeping, feeding, crying and many things you find and face in daily life. Be happy. Be the best for your baby.