amber wholesale

  1. The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 1)

    The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 1)

    Parent-children relationship is not always going well and such condition (more often than not) causing various problems at home, including behavior problems. In this point, you need to pay attention seriously. Here are some essential parenting advices to consider.

    Parents need to learn more about good parenting since it is truly helpful in fostering many good things for children such as cooperation, kindness, cheerfulness, self-reliance, honesty, etc. Besides, good parenting is required to promote intellectual curiosity and protect children from developing the disorders, including depression and anxiety.

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  2. Dealing with Disrespectful Children (Part 2)

    Dealing with Disrespectful Children (Part 2)

    On part 1, you have already read the basic things you need to know about how to deal with disrespectful children. Now we will continue with the next points you need to consider very well.

    In some situation, you probably find that arguing is an inevitable thing. When you try to give advice or say something your child does not want to hear, he or she will commonly react by saying “It’s not fair” or even argue that what they did is acceptable for other parents. Better do not give any depressing comment. Instead, tell them that you are not their friend’s parent and you have your own opinion. Do not let too long argumentation. End it quickly.

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  3. Dealing with Disrespectful Children (Part 1)

    Dealing with Disrespectful Children (Part 1)

    Dealing with children’s behavior is not always easy. One of the examples is dealing with disrespectful children who sometimes act like brats. You need to know several things regarding such problem, including the cause and solution.

    The first thing you need to always remember is that it needs time. It’s impossible to change everything overnight, right? Knowing the cause is the number one important thing you need to do. This initial part is (believe it or not), the most difficult thing.

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  4. Baby Teeth: The Order of Appearance

    Baby Teeth: The Order of Appearance

    Your baby starts teething and it makes you happy as well as upset at the same time. Sure, this stage makes every mom so upset for some reasons. Drooling, loosing appetite, fussiness and some other symptoms are only few of examples. Apart from those symptoms, now let’s talk about the order of teeth appearance.

    The appearance of primary teeth could be in any order and may not the same between one child and another. However, there is a general pattern we can take a note as a clue. The process will be generally started from the bottom.

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  5. Learning More about the Art of Talking to Our Children

    Learning More about the Art of Talking to Our Children

    Talking to our children is a part of daily life, but only few parents know how to do it well. As a mom or dad, you probably never realize that talking is not simply saying what you want. There is an art or method every mom and dad should know to ensure that they can communicate the lessons to the children effectively.

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  6. Baby Naming Tips

    Baby Naming Tips

    Choosing the best name for baby is not always an easy thing. Husband and wife may argue first about how many words a great complete name should be, the surname, etc. It happens even when the baby is still in mom’s tummy. However, some parents prefer to choose the name after the baby born. Parents, whatever your choice is, do not choose any name before reading this guideline.


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  7. Vegetables for Baby’s Health: Revealing the Benefits Behind Each Color

    Vegetables for Baby’s Health: Revealing the Benefits Behind Each Color

    Vegetables have been the part of daily menu in our tables, and the babies enjoy them in various forms too. But have you already known that we can actually guess the benefits of vegetable by its color? Now let’s reveal the benefits of green, orange, red and purple vegetables.

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  8. Facts You Need to Know about Baltic Amber

    Facts You Need to Know about Baltic Amber

    When we talk about amber teething jewellery, a number of questions will soon come to our mind. It is more than just talking about the unique design of amber teething necklace, bracelet and even pendant. What is amber? What is Baltic amber? Those are only two of examples. Let’s find more facts below.

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  9. Amber Teething Jewellery: An Overview

    Amber Teething Jewellery: An Overview

    When the babies start entering teething stage, night becomes so long for moms. They should deal with babies’ fussiness due to painful teething symptoms. It is true that teething symptoms vary widely among babies, but what moms need are the same: solution. If you are a mom who seeks the best solution too, amber teething jewellery could be the good one to consider. Let’s talk more about it.

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  10. The Benefits of Celery for Babies

    The Benefits of Celery for Babies

    Adding celery to a bowl of salad or other dishes is a common thing we usually do. And now, there is something important to do and add to the new list, which is adding it to baby’s food. Ok, maybe you will not do it unless you know the benefits. Here they are:

    The major benefit of consuming celery is that the baby will get enough supply of vitamins and minerals to support their growth. If you want to provide the baby with foods plenty in antioxidants, then you can add celery on your list. It becomes another recommended food after berries which are widely known to be the great source of antioxidants.

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