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  1. Tips for Balancing Work and Motherhood (Part 2)

    Tips for Balancing Work and Motherhood (Part 2)

    On part 1, you have already read the guide on how to balance work and motherhood. It’s not always easy, but does not mean you cannot do that. If you fully work from home, there will be few pros and cons you need to face.

    First, working from home enables you to control the kids all the time and stick to their daily schedule. On the other hand, your work schedule is probably not as precise as at the office. Yes, you probably have set your work at home from 9 to 5. But unwanted condition sometimes forces you to start earlier or later than the fix schedule you would have had if you work at “real” office.

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  2. Tips for Balancing Work and Motherhood (Part 1)

    Tips for Balancing Work and Motherhood (Part 1)

    Perfect mother. That’s what all women want to be.  And we are sure you are one of those women, Mom. For most of us, perfect mom is the one with ability to keep the good achievement at workplace and care for the family at the same time. How to make it true?

    Looking for the answer is probably like trying to find the secret recipe. But it’s actually not like that. Balancing work and motherhood can be achieved through some steps below. By making the steps as routine, you will eventually find that be a supermom is a possible thing to you, and to other moms wherever they are. Let’s start.

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  3. Baby Play Safety Tips

    Baby Play Safety Tips

    Playing is the most interesting thing for babies. It enables them to explore their creativity as well as great to support their development both physically and mentally. However, as parents we still need to pay attention to baby’s safety to ensure fun playtime instead of putting them at risk. Here are the essential baby play safety tips for you:

    The first thing is to baby proof play area where the babies are mostly in. Stash the remote control away. Not baby proofing thing, actually, but useful to let the babies to stay focused with their toys instead of watching television.

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  4. Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 4)

    Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 4)

    Understanding various types of parenting style together with the impacts on children is an essential thing for all parents. They need to consider the positive and negative side before finally decide which one to be applied and evaluated. Now, let’s talk about the last style called uninvolved parenting.

    The name of this parenting style is enough to give us the clue about the definition. Uninvolved parenting is probably one of the most controversial styles for many parents out there. Uninvolved parents tend to be neglectful, thus it offers the least of children’s basic needs fulfillment. Parents who apply this parenting style generally expect the children to raise themselves.


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  5. Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 3)

    Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 3)

    There is no perfect parenting style, that’s what many people said. What do you think about such opinion? If you still try to look for the very best style, keep in mind that everything has its downsides. Now, let’s talk about the number 3 type called permissive parenting. What is it like and what is the difference if compared with style number one and two?

    From the name, you can already guess that it offers more chance for children to as why it is allowed, what that’s not, why something should be like this and like that, as well as the possibility to do what they want to do. In short, kids will be kids.


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  6. Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 2)

    Parenting Styles and the Impacts on Children (Part 2)

    In part 1, we have already explained about the basic things related parenting styles and write short information about authoritarian parenting style. Now, the second part of this topic will be about the next style all parents need to know.

    It is called authoritative parenting. The name sounds similar to the first style, and in fact it is. The major difference between authoritarian and authoritative is in the point of exceptions. This kind of parenting style gives room for children to know the reasons why they are allowed and not allowed to do one and other things.

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  7. Baby Bonding Tips for Dad

    Baby Bonding Tips for Dad

    Baby bonding is something which enables babies to have physical and emotional closeness to their parents. Sure, it is not only about mom and babies, but also dad and babies. If you, dads, are facing some issues on baby bonding, you probably need the tips below.

    Enjoy every moment with your baby. This is the key of everything. Naturally, dads have different way of communicating with the babies if compared to moms. Do the babies like this? The answer is yes, they like it. What moms should do is to let this happens just the way it is.

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  8. Health Benefits of Ginger for Babies

    Health Benefits of Ginger for Babies

    In many countries, ginger is a common spice added into various foods and drinks. While it has been common for adults to consume this spice, it could be a different thing. For your information, ginger belongs to one of the oldest known herbs and condiments in history. Besides being popular as culinary additive spice, it has been used as medicine.


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  9. The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 3)

    The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 3)

    On the previous article you already read about some important points of good parenting and now you will read the other suggestions regarding the other essential points of good parenting. In line with the suggestion on part 2, setting limitation for children is also good to teach them fostering their independence.

    Setting limitation for children will be helpful for them to develop the sense of self-control. At the same time, encouraging children’s independence would be good to let them developing the sense of self-direction. Fortunately, those are among many other things required by everyone to be successful in life.

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  10. The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 2)

    The Essential Parenting Advices (Part 2)

    The introduction to essential parenting advices can be found here and now we will continue the next point or rule of good parenting.

    Deciding what kind of parenting style you will use requires good consideration based on children’s age. Try to adapt with child’s development. In each development, the behavior will be different from other stages, thus you need to use different method too.

    Children who are more than 10 years old would be more irritable. They are also argumentative, and it happens especially when they have problem with school grades. This situation requires parents to be aware. Instead of pushing the child more, it will be better to understand the condition thus the child will not have any problem with their self-esteem.

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